I was going to write all this loving stuff about Angel a while back but then he pissed me off.
I placed it on hold until he came to his senses.
So anyway...this is a short story about when I met him 10 yrs ago and all he has done for me and Dom.(I won't be selfish and talk about all that I've done for him cause that list would be endless).
Here goes:
Angel was 21 when I met him (I was 25). I was working as a cocktail waitress at a pool hall (yes I had no life) when we first met. And I have to admit...I was hot..back then.
He had come in with a buddy of his and was standing with his back to me and that's when it happened.
Love at first site (I know it's corny..but it's true). Actually, I didn't even see his face yet. I could see his build and his nice legs and that was enough for me. I walked past him to deliver drinks to a table and he only saw me from behind at that time. (he told me it was love at first site too...Yes..more corniness).
Now, there is another waitress there who spotted him too. All through the night she was hitting on him and trying to get him to talk to her. (little did she know...he was SUPER shy). Finally, she comes up to me and tells me that he wanted to know my name. Okay. I tell her to let him know what it is and so she now goes from being the person who wants him to being the person who relays our messages.
Back and forth this went on for a good hour. At the end, she comes to me and tells me that he wants to talk to me.
Okay. So I put my stuff down and walk over to him and ask him.."did you want to talk to me?"
He looked stunned. He mumbled something about meaning some other time when it was quiet or something. I couldn't hear him. (at that time he was very soft spoken) not like now.
So long story shorter...we end up talking on the phone a lot ... and most of our conversations were me telling him to talk "into" the phone cause I couldn't hear him very well and he was always telling me that he was talking into the phone.
At this point, I was living with my roommate (who happened to be his distant cousin and we didn't know this at the time) we lived in the Valley and he lived up here past Corpus.
What he didn't know for a whole month was that I had a child (Dom). He was 3 yrs old at the time. The only reason I didn't tell him was because I had dated several people before him and I just didn't need Dom to be trying to get attached to any one particular person. Dom mostly stayed with my parents because I worked nights and was trying to get my act together.
So the time came when I decided I was going to go ahead and tell Angel about Dom. I grabbed the phone and went and locked myself in the bathroom to have some privacy. I still wasn't sure how I was going to tell him or how he was going to take it.
So, I call and we are having just normal casual conversation. Finally..I blurt it out. "I have a kid."
Me: "hello?"
Him: "I know."
Me: "how did you know?"
Him: "because I overheard you telling someone that you needed to get stuff for a birthday party so I just figured you had a kid."
Well, that was easy. This birthday conversation was almost a month ago so by my calculations......he knew pretty much the whole time we have been dating. Later on, we discussed why he never said anything and he said he was just waiting for me to bring it up.
He had already told his parents and all of his family so they already knew before I even decided to tell HIM. They didn't mind. Of course they had their doubts about all of it but they were never ugly or rude to us about it (at least not to our face).
From then on...it was the 3 of us. (until my other 2 children came along, but that's another story). He has taken care of us since we've been together and he continues to do so despite having severe Rheumatoid Arthritis since he was 23.

That's it..that's the short story.

aww. sweet.
First of all, I love the introduction to this story....it's what makes your writing such a great read.
Second, you've got yourself a stand up guy. That's the way I like 'em.
Third, my husband also loves to fish. Texas Hold'um and fishing.. that's his version of heaven.
Finally, I totally believe in love at first sight.. it was like that for me... well, maybe lust at first site is more accurate...
I believe in love at first sight. I also believe that it can be a dangerous thig lol. Would you happen to have any 'cocktail waitress' pictures????? I mean you are hot now, I would love to see you hot then!
awww i never read this story...
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