Thursday, June 11, 2009

A weight lifted.

I had a very stressful morning.

Today was the day Dom and I had to go to a MANDATORY Advisment Session this morning at 9 am at the school I am trying to sell my soul to get Dom into.


Now, if you refer back to THIS POST you will know about what our dilema was concerning this school.

I know that since Dom didn't complete 3 of his language arts packets prior to school ending that he wouldn't be considered a 9th grader.
School is out.
He won't be able to complete those packets until the beginning of the school year. Once he does, he will automatically (<--I'm hoping) be promoted to the 9th grade.

The thing is...I took Dom's TAKS scores along with his report card...along with Dominique to this advisement session.

It was further from my home than I was expecting so I had to refer to my GPS from my phone. I logged in the address and it showed me the destination and mapped out the route and tracked me ALLLLL the way.

We ended up at an intersection with flat acres of land all around me. I was starting to panic. There wasn't a complete building in site. Just run-down shacks.
This ain't right. We were almost running late. I hate being late!

I turned around and asked a couple of men who worked for the city where it was and it turns was right as we exited the highway, off to the right....THIS HUGE SCHOOL...that I couldn't see because I was too busy looking down at my phone following directions.

Anyway, we get there, park, grab our info and go in.
The whole time we were on our way, I kept thinking, "They won't accept him because he's not technically a 9th grader when the 1st day of school starts".
I'm shitting bricks over here because I'm really frustrated that Dom slacked off and isn't aware of the possibility he may have lost.

So...I approach one lady and explain briefly what the situation is and she cuts me off and says, "Is he in 9th grade? Does he have paperwork stating that he was promoted to the 9th grade?"

I say, "Well, we are waiting to see what the paperwork says when it comes in the mail......." (<---LIE! I really know what's going on.) Then she bluntly says, "If he isn't in the 9th grade when school starts then he isn't eligible for enrollment here. He will NOT be able to attend this school."

Then she just kind of...walks away.


I went and sat in one of the chairs they had set up for this session and tried to hold back my tears. Dom was asking/telling me to "calm down" because I was just getting upset thinking...what am I going to do now?
I don't know why, but we stayed through their little presentation and when everyone got up to go and take the tour of the school, we stayed behind and spoke with someone else.

A different lady.
Her nose wasn't so high in the air.

Again, I tried to explain the situation and was actually given the chance to explain fully that all Dom needs is a few days to complete and test over the packets to be classified as a 9th grader. They did have mid term enrollment that he was eligible for and that starts in Jan. but when she heard that he just needed a few days...She said that he could have the first 5 days to complete those packet (at the other school) test on them and receive his promotion info and then just pick up here (along with any make-up work) at MedTech.

I started crying right there.
I couldn't help it. I have been soooooo stressed about this whole thing and being rejected was really too much but to be told..."We'll work with you" was EXACTLY what I was hoping for. I was thanking and wiping tears because I can't stand to have my kids not be able to take advantage of every opportunity there is. They don't know how to look for it so I will show them. Never stop knocking.

We caught up with the people from the tour (we had our own tour guide until we caught up with the herd). We bought the books that are required summer reading. The list consists of:
1. The Hot Zone by Richard Preston
2. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
3. A Separate Peace by John Knowles

He also has a 150 vocabulary list that he has to know BEFORE the first day of school because he will be tested on it.
And he has to watch "I Am Legend". He will be tested on that too.

We went to the library and bought all of those books and I was so happy. I was probably more excited than he was.

He will be spending 4 days in July at this school learning about the school and doing activities and completing the second part of he enrollment. This is also Mandatory but I don't have to go this time.

I'm so happy.

I go out of my way as a parent to make sure that doors aren't closed unnecessarily. I like to make sure we've covered and explored every option.

I am going to call the Principal of his current school to make sure that it WILL be possible for him to complete those packets in the first week without complication.

I've been extremely stressed about making sure my kids have everything they need.
Don't make Momma mad, people.

Now, Dom needs to understand that I won't be doing this anymore. If he chooses to misbehave or not complete his work in this school after all of my efforts to provide opportunites for growth and knowledge, then he must understand that I will probably have no choice but to enroll him in a Military Academy.

I'm not even fucking around, people.

I'm feeling a litte bit better now.
This means that I will be able to work worry free because I won't have to pick him up from school at 2pm every Mon-Thurs and 12:30 on Fridays.
This means that he will be occupied from the hours of 7am to 5pm everyday.

Not to mention he will be getting a very good medical jump-start on college and careers.


This calls for a Chelada!!!

*If you are curious about what MedTech is....GO HERE.


Julie H said...

Hopefully it will all work out well!

Beyond Danielle said...

I hate when ppl just shut you down like they're the only one's that know what they're talking about. Fortunately the other more knowledgable woman spoke up. What is this school and is it available in my area for my children. ( IE... Web address so I can research)

tha unpretentious narcissist© said...

you needed to find that lady and punch her in the mouth.

hope things work out for Dom, he need to get focused and get those packets in. sounds like a great opprotunity.

Maternal Mirth said...

You had me a Chelada!!! YUMMMMM

~Sheila~ said...

I'm hoping the same thing!

Beyond Danielle:
I know. Riiiight! I'm persistant so I'm glad I talked to another person.

I'm gonna be on him to work and get those packets in! I think this is the best opportunity for him.

Maternal Mirth:
I knew someone would agree!!