My SIL.......
Now, I won't go into detail about how old young she is. I will tell you this though, we are cruising on the same bus.
I've added some pictures because it wouldn't be true to tradition not to for the birthday blogs. She's gonna wanna kill me for this but...ehh...what can she do. I'm in Texas and she's waaaaaay over there!
So, for your viewing pleasure:
Here we are at my house. I believe it was Dom's birthday. It was time to munch!! I remember Sherlisa had to keep coming back to her food because she wasn't able to 'just sit and eat'.
Don't worry chica. Once the kids get bigger, they will be able to feed themselves and it will be awesome!
And when I say it was time to munch....I mean it. I think we hit the food as much as we could and especially before anyone else could get there...hee hee. You don't see any frowning faces here by the food.
Here she is with her baby girl and my baby girl. Aren't they all super cute!!
It's Easter! We were at the beach with all of the kids and as much of the family we could get together. It was awesome! We had tarps and chairs and all kinds of shade (cause you know how I get at the beach).
Alright, this picture is evidence for Angel that I wasn't the one who painted his nails black without his permission.
Lisa said, "Yeah, sure Dominique...let me paint those for you, here...sit down right here..."
I like to give credit....where credit is due!
That's all the pictures I have...well, not really have but all that I choose to use......right now. I may be feeling generous tomorrow and decide to extend the tribute!
We'll see.
You know how I keep complaining about Angel never bringing home fish from a regular fishing trip?
Well, guess what!!
We Have FEAST! He and his cousin Jaime went fishing early yesterday morning and came back with all of this. They caught a few shark and Angel caught that huge fish. They finished fileting the fish and put them in baggies. I was hoping to be eating it last night but they drank too much and were very tired from lounging in the sun on the
Either way, we will be having fish. I can't wait. I need to get to the store to get the cilantro, tomatoes and other ingredients!.....mmmmmmm
Too bad I hurt my friggin ankle (for those of you who follow me on twitter...don't laugh just because you know why/how I hurt it). All I can say is that there is a hole in my backyard and my foot gravitated toward it uncontrollably (while sipping on Cheladas).I'm out of work for the next couple of days. I can barely walk but I know it will be alright come Wednesday to go back to work.
I will just enjoy these couple of days...alcohol free.
i know i don't know you, but..happy birthday sherlisa! (i'm all about the bdays...)
and i think yall are cruising on the same bus i am, think i'm a little closer to the front tho lol. either way, same bus.
damn@ that fish tho. you say he goes fishing, but that's some "Perfect Storm" fish shit. sharks? wow yall eat baby jaws slow..might be eating somebody's fingers, nose,
& no comment about you and your "drunken accident". just evidence why you shouldn't be left alone, at least not with Cheladas.
love all the pictures....but the best picture was the beach one. the fat white guy in the back ground stole the scene I am sorry. I am still looking at it!
I have hurt myself drunk so many to even list
happy bday sherlisa! mines is coming up next month. i don't know how fun it's going to be without alcohol but i'll try.
Cruising on the same bus...maybe, except we might have to let you out of the car seat when we get to your stop. lol.
The fish and shark were sooo good. No extra fingers or toes (ewww).
I can be left alone with Cheladas, I'm just not allowed to be mobile.
OHHHH DUDE! I so didn't even look at that picture when I picked it. That is no one we know. BUT...enjoy for your viewing pleasure!!
I think your B-day will be plenty fun, depending on what you do and what you can get away with. I think without alcohol, you may actually remember it and are more cautious of holes in your backyard so that you don't trip in one and injure your ankle!
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