I know!! I know!!
I've been a lazy bum and not getting my butt over to the computer to blog.
I have been super busy and super tired.
Here's why...
I bought these bookshelves that I have wanted for a long time and Walmart FINALLY had them in stock. I was super excited. I bought 3.
My kids have a ton of books and nowhere to display them.
Angel was here this weekend so guess how he helped??
Ummmmm............he charged the drill for me.
Yup, That's about it. I put all 3 of them together by myself.
I set up Dom's on Sat. morning and this is what they look like. You can't beat the price for a 5 shelf bookcase ($29.00 each).
I may have to buy Dom another one cause he still has more books. I like that he loves to read. He is looking forward to seeing the Twilight movie. I'm going to have to take him.

Then, Sat. night, we went to my grandmother's house because it was my mother in law's birthday. I took my niece and nephew also because they were FINALLY going to spend the night with the kids. They had a good time and played for A REALLY LONG TIME.

Okay, people, don't laugh cause I had bought these cookie castles kits for the kids around Halloween time (actually, after Halloween because they were $2.50 each). I was expecting to let the kids put them together during
Miah's birthday party sleepover but we all know how that turned out with my sister and
her crap that she pulled.

Needless to say. This cookie wasn't living up to my little architect's standards.
I got them set up to to put it together and decorate it.

Then the sides started to give away and I was not trying to sit there and hold it together all day so I just decided that the kids were going to decorate a side each. I divided all of the candy evenly and let them decorate it as they pleased and ate till their heart's content.
I wasn't worried about my kids because I know that they have NO CAVITIES.

Sunday. I just wanted to sleep. Angel cut out back to Corpus as soon as he could. My sister came and picked up her kids around 4 pm and I just wanted to do nothing and sleep.
Today (Monday) I got up and went to work then came home, napped, then took Devyn to soccer practice. Now, I am here writing this to make up for the time lag since my last post.
Right now...it's all I got.
I've never heard of someone not blogging because of bookshelves. But I think that's a valid reason... glad you're back
and we all love that you came to visit us!
My wife wont let me put furniture together. I break most of the parts and always end up with extra parts.
Oh yeah, I just added you to my little side bar of people I annoy on a regular basis!
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